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July 9-11, 2025 | Shanghai New International Expo Center
AHTE 2025


AHTE 2024 Group Delegation


Bonus to Group Delegation (more than 10 delegates):

-     No ticket fees

-     Don't need queue up for admission

-     Special reception during the tradeshow

-     VIP Lounge

-     Take group photos

-     Customized visit route

-     Gift for group members, including free coffee and lunch

-     Business Matching Service

-     Priority for attending the concurrent events

-     Free Bus (30 people and above, within 2 hours of one-way ride)


Number of People

Bonus for head of a delegation

10-30 people  JD card(50 RMB) Free coffee and lunch, other gifts.
31-50 people  JD card(100 RMB)
More than 50 people  JD card(500 RMB)



For more information, please contact

Dean Li

021-2231 7397




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